Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Yes, my friends...the immortal genius of Charles Stewart has come back into our lives. Once again, Charles has recorded three more songs I've written the words to. The music, instruments and vocals are all done expertly by Charles Stewart.
Those of you who are patient enough to follow my escapades will notice that six of the songs I've written the lyrics to have now been recorded. My plan has been to record twelve songs to put on an album. Some of you are bound to be relieved that I'm now halfway through. 
As before, the songs are best listened to through a Bluetooth speaker. The songs are presented as mp4 files (videos) even though there is no video. The previous mp3 files are just too hard to publish through social media. 
I hope you enjoy these songs as much as I enjoyed writing them. If not, that just means I didn't write them for you.
Thanks again for checking in!

She ain't crazy.

Want to be with you.

Better take those cookies!


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