Sunday, June 4, 2023

News from El Masroig.


Yesterday was the annual release festival for Vi Solidari. Vi Solidari is a collaboration for several wineries here in El Masroig. A couple of families in the village had children with childhood cancer. Mercifully, both of the kids survived. 

Someone came up with the idea to bottle a special wine every year and donate the proceeds to researching childhood cancer. Last year (2022) was the eleventh vintage to be bottled. The festival has now become a real thing here in the village. There is wine tasting, food vendors, bouncy castles for the kids and other activities. This is the first time I can remember a concert.

As you'll see from the poster below, the gates opened at 11:30pm. The music started a little after midnight. It sounded like the band was set up on my balcony. I decided to go up to the sports area to join in the festivities. In characteristic fashion, the village was jumping! 
I stayed about an hour then went home to listen from my balcony. There were three sets. The first was contemporary rock. The second was Ska and reggae. The bands were really good. I went to bed when the DJ came on at 3:00.

The coming week will be busy preparing for the 2nd Annual Barons Creek Spanish Wine Experience. We'll have fifteen people this year. I'm really looking forward to it!

                                                         A short video from the concert.

The clusters will be smaller this year. We're in a historic drought. I'm able to irrigate but many farmers are out of water.

             Josep Maria suggested we plant a couple of shade trees. These are fruitless mulberries.
                         Baby garnacha vines. We had a good take in spite of the dry weather.
                                                            Poster for last night's concert.
The plants Montse put in last year are thriving! This lavender is ready to conquer the world!
The labels for Vi Solidari are designed by kids undergoing cancer treatment. There are four different labels.

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