Sunday, November 20, 2022

Josep Maria works his magic!

Josep Maria gave me a tour of his microbiological program. He operates out of his brother-in-law's carpentry shop right next to the Cooperativa.  He makes his own compost from microorganisms he collects and cultures. Josep Maria keeps the cultures in specially made wooden boxes. When he's ready to make a batch of compost, he will inoculate it with the various cultures.
We finally received permission to plant next year. Josep Maria will begin preparing the soil in a couple of weeks. This involves putting down ten tons of manure and tilling it into the ground. Josep Maria asked if I preferred to use chicken or sheep manure. I opted for the sheep even though it's €200 more expensive. The chicken manure they use around here is the foulest-smelling stuff you can imagine. I really don't want to use it that close to the school. The sheep manure smells, too, but it isn't nearly as bad. I suppose Josep Maria will put down some of his bugs at the same time.
The reason all this is necessary is because the soil in my vineyards is very poor in organic content. This isn't quite so much of a problem for established vines but, in order to get a good result with newly planted vines, the soil needs to be a little "richer". The soil in my vineyards is mostly powdered limestone as a result of glacial activity. There are some interesting photos below.

Josep Maria with one of his cultures.

Specially made boxes to keep the cultures warm.

Luna the vineyard dog.

Specially made sprayer for organic materials. Josep Maria makes an application or two of organic foliar fertilizer each year. It's made a tremendous difference in the health of my vines!

Josep Maria Beltran


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