Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Tanks? You're welcome!

The first winery I worked for was Joseph Phelps. The cellar crew included some of the funniest people I've ever known. One of them was Gary Young. Whenever someone would say the word "tanks", G.Y. would often exclaim "Tanks? You're welcome!".  Anyone who has ever worked in a winery can imagine how many times we heard this. For some reason, it always made me laugh and that should tell you something.
Anyway, I bought my first tank last week. She's a 5000 liter Italian beauty with variable capacity. Right now, she's cradling my 2013 estate wine that I'm getting ready to bottle. We had a little trouble getting her off the truck. The hydraulic lift on the truck wouldn't work so we had to wrestle her off by hand. Fortunately, the chicos in La Figeura (Joan, Josep and Albert) were up to the task and we got her into the winery without mishap.

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