Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ramon Bargallo' and his son, Jordi, invited me out to look at their finca in the Priorat outside of El Molar. They have a beautiful vineyard planted on the true Priorat slate (llicorella). One section of the vineyard is over 100 years old. These guys have been very helpful to me. They also have almonds and olives planted. They showed me an area where what they call "javeliu" (wild hogs) had been messing with their grapes and almonds. In fact, I saw  a place in the olives next to Finca Alta that looked like hogs had been active. It might be time to go into trapping mode. The last two pictures are of a young Garnatxa vineyard that is about as perfectly planted and cared for as any I've ever seen. It belongs to some relatives of the Bargallo's and the fruit also goes to Torres.

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